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Whilst still aiming towards the millennium goal of ‘ primary education available for all,’  many hard working students want to go further. Junior High Schools should provide the 3 year  link between 6 years of primary education and attempting to gain a place in a Senior High School though a rigorous selection exam.  There are still areas without village schools but Wulugu Project has helped Ghana Education Services in providing 6 Junior High Schools to support  the best students from  clusters of our  village schools.  The students, being older will have to walk or bike further to reach them but return home each night and thus avoid the risks of staying in town, with ‘relatives’ who do not supervise their studies and expect too many chores to ‘pay’ for their keep.

The students need uniform and paper and pens but do not pay fees. But it ‘costs’ the family as these youngsters are not working and earning money for the family.

It was exciting in 2010, when we visited the new Junior High School at Yagaba  that we had just built,  to find that  half the students (about 40 in each class) were girls . In fact it was so successful that Ghana Education Services are going to build a Senior High School there to attract the students from neighbouring villages , including Kubori, ten miles away,  where we rebuilt another J.H.S. This does mean that some students will have a real chance of making something of their lives and even become teachers  (the most popular ambition)  car mechanics  or nurses to help in their villages. As so few pupils have met a doctor, this is not understood as possible career.

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