How Trade Aid Is Helping Us
Early in the Corona virus problem we had a surprising call from Ghana to let us know that, while our Vocational schools for girls were closed, some of the tailoring students were using Trade Aid machines at home to make face masks and making them available to villages and to Tamale. They charged a little, so helping their families during the most difficult times. their families. This is one of many examples of ways in which Trade Aid generosity is helping the world in sometimes unexpected ways.
Trade Aid staunchly support us. Earlier this year we were able to help at Walewale Vocational School.These are the tailoring kits—as you see—being well used. Walewale was the first vocational school we set up—initially we bought a large house and used that. Now there are 1,000 students. This is also one of the schools that we were begged to allow boys into. This is to protect them from unscrupulous bands who come into Northern villages and promise the boys who have no work that
they will get rich if they help them achieve their aim of preventing education for girls.
It was really tough, but right decision to help these boys. John, the head-teacher, is a key member of our Wulugu team in Ghana. He really transformed Walewale Voc school. The school has now been adopted by Ghana Education. But really, that only means more students so less equipment. I am so
pleased that we have been able to help John as he works so hard to help his students.